Ecole des sous-officiers de carrière de l'armée (ESCA)
L’ESCA est le centre de formation pour les sous-officiers de carrière de toutes les armes de l’Armée suisse. Durant les deux années du stage de formation de base (SFB), les futurs sous-officiers de carrière acquièrent le savoir nécessaire pour conduire et instruire avec succès dans les écoles de recrues et les écoles de cadres. Dans les stages de perfectionnement (SP), des sous-officiers de carrière expérimentés sont préparés à l’exercice de nouvelles fonctions. De nombreux membres du personnel militaire et un grand nombre de collaborateurs civils suivent chaque année des cours de perfectionnement (CP) auprès de l’ESCA. L’ESCA est responsable d'organiser des cours internationaux de leadership destinés à des sous-officiers provenant d'États participant au programme Partnership for Peace ou membres de l'OTAN.

Insight and teaching report from the NCO advanced leadership in a multinational enviroments from 25.11.24 - 06.12.24 in KRIENS / SWITZERLAND General Staff Schools
Insight and teaching report from the NCO advanced leadership course

Mutual respect and understanding is crucially important when we NCO’s want to act at a professional level in a multinational environment. This Intermediate Leadership Course gives you a lot of tools to be more receptive for other cultures and habits.

NCOS | Military Terminology Training 2 2024
Before deploying abroad as a non-commissioned officer (NCO), it's crucial to establish a solid foundation. This includes mastering military terminology, understanding international procedures, and improving language skills. These preparations ensure effective communication and seamless integration into multinational teams, thereby maximizing mission success and fostering international cooperation.

NCOS | Intermediate leadership course in a multinational environment 2024-2
A leader is someone who can work effectively with their team to ensure a mission gets completed. A leader is someone who will dedicate their time to the health and wellness of their team but most importantly, a leader is an individual. A leader can and will make mistakes, but what they do with their mistakes is how someone can show true leadership.

NCOS | Intermediate leadership course in a multinational environment 2024-1
An international environment requires a "leader" who can act convincingly and assert themselves in a multinational environment. The leadership course provides tools and fundamentals that prepare us for many possible events.
École des sous-officiers de carrière de l’armée (ESCA)
CH - 9100 Herisau